Saturday, June 21, 2008

Surfing in town at 3's

It was a small day on the town side of oahu. One of the surf guides was taking pics, and must have thought I was part of the group... A few days later he chased me down on the beach, and hooked me up with some of the photos... Mahalo for the pixx.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

" Channel 8 News San Diego "

I was asked if I would come for a interview. I said, "For sure, anything to help out the cause". I was asked questions about my art, and thoughts about ocean conservation. This was my first TV interview, and I would like to say "Its not a easy as it looks". I kinda choked up, but I managed to get my point across. Would like to thank Surfrider Foundation for the invite and the CBS 8 News San Diego for there support towards ocean conservation.

"Surfrider San Diego May 8th Art Gala"


I donated this 24" x 48" original art piece to the Surfrider Foundation San Diego Chapter, for there May 8th Art Gala, which took place at the Powerhouse in Del Mar. I felt the need to get involved with helping out the ocean. I was always a supporter of Surfrider, and appreciate all the work that the Foundation does to help conserve our oceans and beach's. I am honored to help out a worthy cause, and am pleased to know that my art piece raised a nice chunk of change towards keeping our beloved oceans and beaches clean.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Day 2008

This New Years had the most epic surf and sunset. I wasn't able to surf the 3 -4' barreling peaks, but I was still stoked to be at the beach...